Register now for FIA Girls On Track activity in your area!

Fill out your details, and the details of your child who would like to take part in FIA Girls on Track. If you have more than one child looking to take part, please re-submit the form with their details (maximum 2 children per Parent/Guardian).

Successful applicants will be contacted approximately 2 weeks before the event day via the FIA Girls on Track email address.

Informação dos pais/responsáveis

Please enter your first name
Please enter your surname
The email format is incorrect
Please enter your email
Please answer the question below
Please answer the question below

Informações da criança

Please answer the question below
Please provide your date of birth
Please select a day, month and year
Data de nascimento da criança - Child's Date of Birth

Informações do evento

Seu filho já participou de algum evento de Fórmula E antes? - Has your child participated in a Formula E event before?
Você estaria interessado em ser voluntário em algum futuro evento FIA Girls on Track? - Would you be interested in volunteering at any future FIA Girls on Track events?

Thanks for signing up

We'll be in touch to confirm if your application for FIA Girls on Track has been successful. We hope to see you soon!

If you need to complete the form for another child taking part, please click here. Please remember that a maximum of two children per family are able to take part.